Extending rcmt

It is possible to use rcmt as library and add custom Sources or Encodings.

Add a custom Source

import rcmt
import rcmt.encoding
import rcmt.source

class MyCustomRepository(rcmt.source.Repository):
    Implement all methods of class rcmt.source.Repository here.


class MyCustomSource(rcmt.source.Base):
    def list_repositories(self) -> list[rcmt.source.Repository]:
        return [MyCustomRepository()]

class MyCustomEncoding(rcmt.encoding.Encoding):
    Implement all methods of class rcmt.encoding.Encoding here.

# Basic setup
opts = rcmt.options_from_config("<path to rcmt config file>")
opts.matcher_path = "<path to run file>"
opts.packages_paths = ["<path to packages directory>"]

# Add the custom Source
opts.sources["custom"] = MyCustomSource()

# Add the custom Encoding
opts.encoding_registry.register(enc=MyCustomEncoding(), extensions=[".myc"])

# Execute rcmt

Add a custom Action to a Manifest

import os.path

from rcmt.package import Manifest
from rcmt.package.action import Action

class HelloWorld(Action):
    HelloWorld action creates the file "hello-world.txt" in the root of a repository.
    It writes "Hello World" to it.

    def apply(self, pkg_path: str, repo_path: str, tpl_data: dict) -> None:
        file = os.path.join(repo_path, "hello-world.txt")
        with open(file, "w+") as f:
            f.write("Hello World")

with Manifest(name="custom-action") as manifest:

Write a custom Action using GlobMixin

from rcmt.package import Manifest
from rcmt.package.action import Action, GlobMixin

class HelloWorld(GlobMixin, Action):
    HelloWorld action appends the string "Hello World" to the end of each file that
    matches the glob selector.

    def process_file(self, path: str, pkg_path: str, tpl_data: dict):
        with open(path, "a") as f:
            f.write("Hello World")

with Manifest(name="custom-action") as manifest:
    # This selector matches all files with the extension "txt" in the root of a repository.